


ATOM Feed Missing Numeric ID

Added by Brad Rhoads almost 12 years ago

The current (projects) ATOM feed looks like what follows. From what I can tell, the Redmine Client ( doesn't work with the current version of Redmine. And looking at the Client code, it's expecting to get a entry.numericID from the ATOM feed. I believe that the automatic sequential id should be put (back) in the Feed. (It's there in the json and xml feeds.)

I looked at the Redmine code itself, but it wasn't obvious to me where the fix should be. The Projects controller has a bit about ATOM, but it's not clear how the fields are being specified. And oddly, there doesn't appear to be anything in the controller regarding json or xml.

So what's the best way to proceed. Obviously, I could change the Client to use the XML feed instead of the the ATOM feed, but it seems like the missing ID field in the feed is a bug.

<feed xmlns="">
<title>Redmine: Latest projects</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="alternate"/>
<generator uri="">Redmine </generator>
<title>Mobile Client - Project: Mobile Client</title>
<link href="" rel="alternate"/>
<content type="html"></content>