


Undefined method "returning"

Added by Andrius A almost 12 years ago


I upgraded from redmine 1.3.0 to 2.0.3 folowing instructions instructions given on this page -

First problem I faced was with `rake generate_secret_token`:
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant Rake::DSL

which I overcome by inserting
require 'rake/dsl_definition'
in config/application.rb

Second problem appear every time I press Issues tab. I get internal server error 500 message in browser also Webrick server shows:
NoMethodError (undefined method `returning' for #<Query:0x2b3cd58d5c88>):
app/models/query.rb:401:in `sortable_columns'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:59:in `index'

If I press Gantt tab, I get:
Started GET "/projects/it/issues/gantt" for at Thu Sep 13 06:08:20 +0300 2012
Processing by GanttsController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"project_id"=>"it"}
Rendered queries/_filters.html.erb (39.2ms)
Rendered gantts/show.html.erb within layouts/base (45.9ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 245ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `returning' for #<Query:0x2b3cd5ab83e8>):
54: # Width of the entire chart
55: g_width = ((@gantt.date_to - @gantt.date_from + 1) * zoom).to_i
57: @gantt.render(:top => headers_height + 8, :zoom => zoom, :g_width => g_width, :subject_width => subject_width)
59: g_height = [(20 * (@gantt.number_of_rows + 6)) + 150, 206].max
60: t_height = g_height + headers_height
app/models/query.rb:396:in `groupable_columns'
app/models/query.rb:478:in `group_by_column'
app/models/query.rb:474:in `grouped?'
app/models/query.rb:465:in `group_by_sort_order'
app/models/query.rb:585:in `issues'
lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb:134:in `issues'
lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb:145:in `projects'
lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb:182:in `render'
app/views/gantts/show.html.erb:57:in `_app_views_gantts_show_html_erb___1737415028_23770142658420'
app/controllers/gantts_controller.rb:43:in `show'
app/controllers/gantts_controller.rb:42:in `show'

If I press Callendar tab, again:
Started GET "/projects/it/issues/calendar" for at Thu Sep 13 06:09:02 +0300 2012
Processing by CalendarsController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"project_id"=>"it"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 147ms

NoMethodError (undefined method `returning' for #<Query:0x2b3cd58d6d40>):
app/models/query.rb:396:in `groupable_columns'
app/models/query.rb:478:in `group_by_column'
app/models/query.rb:474:in `grouped?'
app/models/query.rb:465:in `group_by_sort_order'
app/models/query.rb:585:in `issues'
app/controllers/calendars_controller.rb:46:in `show'

So every time I get "NoMethodError (undefined method `returning'....."

Any help how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  1. ruby -v
    Ruby version: ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
  1. gem list | grep rail
    prototype-rails (3.2.1)
    rails (3.2.6, 2.3.11, 2.3.5)
    railties (3.2.6)
  1. bundle -v
    Bundler version 1.2.0