


Issues with Generating new plugins with 0.8rc1 release

Added by Mak Babu about 16 years ago

when you execute with the latest build
ruby script/generate redmine_plugin SomePlugin
the console displays
undefined method `empty?' for /_generator$/:Regexp

The used to run in previous builds successfully. Any idea what is going wrong

Replies (3)

RE: Issues with Generating new plugins with 0.8rc1 release - Added by Jeffrey Hulten about 16 years ago

I am seeing the same issue. Happens on any run of script/generate

RE: Issues with Generating new plugins with 0.8rc1 release - Added by Mak Babu about 16 years ago

As pointed out in the ticket, upgrading the gem version to 1.3.1 fixed the issue. however i am not sure whether this upgrade would cause failure in some other parts of the application
