


What is the best web server to run redmine 1.4 on?

Added by Mark Young almost 12 years ago

I have been trying to install redmine 1.4 and it simply does not work. When I use webrick its fine but webrick is meant for development and not production.

I have installed mongrel and can login, view projects etc but I cannot log out. Can anyone recommend another web server or a fix to my problem?

I'm really reaching the end of my tether with installing 1.4. I would use 2.1 but I don't believe the plugins I have are compatible.

Replies (2)

RE: What is the best web server to run redmine 1.4 on? - Added by Etienne Massip almost 12 years ago

Forget about Mongrel, it is not maintained anymore.

If you're on linux, which is recommended, you can use e.g. Thin or Unicorn or Apache + Passenger or Puma.

On Windows you won't have that many choices, I personnally picked Puma.

RE: What is the best web server to run redmine 1.4 on? - Added by Mark Young almost 12 years ago

Yeah I've found that. I have decided to use Redmine 2.1 instead. I ported my data across and it was fine. I'm using Thin at the moment.
