


Meaning of "feedback"

Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 12 years ago

Can anyone explain what is the meaning of "feedback" and when to set the status of an issue to "feedback"?


Replies (4)

RE: Meaning of "feedback" - Added by Michael Nagel about 12 years ago

in your private installation of redmine it can mean whatever you want it to mean.
it is typically used when an issue is reported by person X, a developer had a look at it, but now is waiting on feedback from person X.

RE: Meaning of "feedback" - Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 12 years ago

Thanks Michael,

The way you use "feedback" is equivelent to

  • Assign the task to person x
  • Set status to new

Is that true?

RE: Meaning of "feedback" - Added by Michael Nagel about 12 years ago

yes, but I use the "feedback" status instead of using the "new" status again.
however, you are free to use it however you like.

RE: Meaning of "feedback" - Added by Henry Li about 5 years ago

Michael Nagel wrote:

yes, but I use the "feedback" status instead of using the "new" status again.
however, you are free to use it however you like.

