


Recover Redmine in Ubuntu Server

Added by Aleix Amill almost 12 years ago

I am getting crazy with something and I would like some help if there is someone can help.

I had an Ubuntu Server where I was running the Redmine Application; and some days ago the Server completely crashed.

I have a backup of the application files (it was in /usr/share/redmine) and a backup of the PostgreSQL Database (named redmine). But I did not did the installation of that Server and the Redmine inside it, so I have limited information about which versions were inside and how was it configured.

In another Server: Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 LTS, with Apache2 and PostgreSQL 9.1, I have recovered the folder content in /usr/share/redmine and recovered the redmine database in a PostgreSQL. But I can't not find anywhere, in the folder files or database, which redmine version it was; and as I have read I need to know the version to know which Ruby, Rails, RubyGems corresponding versions I have to install in the Server.

Somebody knows what can I do, or where can I find the information to reinstall the environment so the Redmine can continue working?

Thank you very very much.

P.D.: I read the "How to request help" topic and in the path /usr/share/redmine/config ther isn't any database.yml file to know the old environment.