


Adding Forums to Home Page

Added by Abhay Jaipuria almost 12 years ago

I would like to add a Forum box on the HomePage (USING REDMINE 1.4.4) , similar to the latest news/latest projects box.
The main idea would be to create a organization wide Forum that can be used for general communication within the organization, and therefore would be nice to have feeds from the Forum on the landing page of Redmine.

Any suggestions about how to do this or any plug-ins that can do this? I was trying to edit this piece of code that is being used to generate a News Box:

<div class="splitcontentleft">
<%= textilizable Setting.welcome_text >
if @news.any? >
<div class="news box">
<%= render :partial => 'news/news', :collection => @news >
= link_to l(:label_news_view_all), :controller => 'news' >
end >
= call_hook(:view_welcome_index_left, :projects => Projects Projects) %>