


Parent issue % Done is not updated when subtask issue status is changed.

Added by Masaki Narushima almost 12 years ago


I'm using redmine v1.4.4 in following emvironment.

Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.8.24
Rack version 1.1.3
Rails version 2.3.14
Environment production
Database adapter mysql

My problem:
When setting,

"Administration"-"Settings"-"Issue Tracking":
Calculate the issue done ratio with : "Use the issue status"

Parent issue % Done is not updated automatically when subtask issue status is changed.
When subtask status is set as 40%, parent issue % Done shows still 0%.

Replies (1)

RE: Parent issue % Done is not updated when subtask issue status is changed. - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

The setting "Calculate the issue done ratio with issue status" doesn't relate to child tasks.
It is just a dumb scheme you define... imagine it like
status 'new' -> 0%
status 'started' -> 50%
status 'resolved' -> 75%
status 'closed' -> 100%
