


Delay after issue commit.

Added by Konstantin Gourin almost 12 years ago


I installed bitnami redmine stack 2.1.4 on windows 7 and windows XP. There is a great delay after commiting issues at both system.

That's one of the production.log entries:

Started POST "/redmine/projects/mf/issues" for at 2012-11-29 14:58:21 +0400
Processing by IssuesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"boZM0j07beQXveABYoyP058ARqC7s1f2MWze9BQj/CA=", "issue"=>{"is_private"=>"0", "tracker_id"=>"1", "subject"=>"t", "description"=>"t", "status_id"=>"1", "priority_id"=>"2", "assigned_to_id"=>"", "fixed_version_id"=>"", "parent_issue_id"=>"", "start_date"=>"2012-11-29", "due_date"=>"", "estimated_hours"=>"", "done_ratio"=>"0"}, "attachments"=>{"1"=>{"description"=>""}}, "continue"=>"Create and continue", "project_id"=>"mf"}
Current user: GKP (id=3)
Rendered mailer/_issue.text.erb (2.0ms)
Rendered mailer/issue_add.text.erb within layouts/mailer (56.0ms)
Rendered mailer/_issue.html.erb (4.0ms)
Rendered mailer/issue_add.html.erb within layouts/mailer (7.0ms)
Redirected to http://localhost/redmine/projects/mf/issues/new?issue%5Btracker_id%5D=1
Completed 302 Found in 43730ms (ActiveRecord: 113.0ms)

But when I try to open the task, there is no delay:

Started GET "/redmine/projects/mf/issues/new?issue%5Btracker_id%5D=1" for at 2012-11-29 14:59:05 +0400
Processing by IssuesController#new as HTML
Parameters: {"issue"=>{"tracker_id"=>"1"}, "project_id"=>"mf"}
Current user: GKP (id=3)
Rendered issues/_form_custom_fields.html.erb (3.0ms)
Rendered issues/_attributes.html.erb (56.0ms)
Rendered issues/_form.html.erb (64.0ms)
Rendered attachments/_form.html.erb (2.0ms)
Rendered issues/new.html.erb within layouts/base (72.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 156ms (Views: 86.0ms | ActiveRecord: 25.0ms)

I didn't set any special setting in configuration files. All setting are default.
Can anyone help solve this problem or give advice where to start the solution?
