2.1.5 LDAPS to AD
Added by Tom Bodet about 12 years ago
Running on a CentOS 6 x64 system. During our testing (somewhere around 2.0.4) we attached Redmine to an AD with success and moved on. I have a copy of the auth mode settings that we used and now that we've done multiple database refreshes and upgraded to 2.1.5 it doesn't want to work anymore.
I've installed ldap client on the server and can do an ldapsearch with the same credentials so it's not a firewall/routing/dns thing.
In my passenger config I'm pointing SSLCertificateChainFile and SSLCACertificateFIle to cert files that contain the cert the AD offers up for trust.
I'm not even seeing traffic coming out of the box so I'm assuming it's config related. If I can ping the AD and get name resolution and do an ldapsearch then I'm missing something with the apache/passenger config.
The certs are self signed and the httpd or redmine logs are not showing anything helpful. It's just timing out.
Replies (1)
RE: 2.1.5 LDAPS to AD
Added by Tom Bodet about 12 years ago
It helps to watch the damn port number for typos.....