


redmine 2.2.1 refuses to see repositories

Added by Mark K over 11 years ago

I am trying to add a Git repository to a project on redmine 2.2.1. It is a bare repository. The persmissions are open. I have scm_git_command set to /usr/bin/git. I can login as the redmine user and execute the same commands that it is trying to do. I always get a 404 on the repository page. I also created a new subversion repository and tried to set that up (local file:// access) and got the same 404 error. The redmine production log is unhelpful. I've search around and cannot find any useful info. Anyone with a suggestion?

I'm running Arch Linux:
ruby 1.9.3
rails 3.2.11

Replies (4)

RE: redmine 2.2.1 refuses to see repositories - Added by Mark K over 11 years ago

Oh, and I'm using passenger with the PassengerUser and PassengerGroup set to redmine for my vhost.

I found that in the apache error log it is saying "fatal: not a git repository." Everything that I find on the interwebs points to a permissions problem but I have the repository owned by redmine and permissions at 777.

RE: redmine 2.2.1 refuses to see repositories - Added by Howard Logsdon over 11 years ago

I'm having exactly the same issue since upgrading from the 2.0-stable branch to 2.2-stable (r11263).

The redmine user normally runs without shell (or rather with /usr/bin/false), but I've changed that to the sh shell, and I can easily log in as the redmine user and `git clone` a repo, modify and `git push` back, yet I'm still rendering 404's on the repository tabs:

Started GET "/projects/test-project/repository" for at Sun Jan 27 15:46:32 -0700 2013
Processing by RepositoriesController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"test-project"}
Current user: testadmin (id=1)
Rendered common/error.html.erb within layouts/base (0.3ms)
Completed 404 Not Found in 80ms (Views: 44.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.3ms)

It too is a bare repository.

RE: redmine 2.2.1 refuses to see repositories - Added by Guillaume Ayoub over 11 years ago

Same problem here. This bug only happens with git and, dowgrading to 1.8.1 fixes the problem.

RE: redmine 2.2.1 refuses to see repositories - Added by Guillaume Ayoub over 11 years ago

The problem is not fixed in redmine 2.3.0 with git Any fix or workaround available?
