


Redmine migration from 0.9.3 to 2.2.0 - Repository keywords no longer work

Added by Rick Veenstra over 11 years ago


A couple of days ago we did a long due migration from Redmine 0.9.3 to 2.2.0. Everything migrated perfectly and seemed to work right away.

But we just found one function that no longer works. Redmine no longer seems to listen to the repository keyword. They are still found under Administration -> Repositories and it's still possible to browse the repositorie and see the changes. But Redmine will no longer associate revisions to redmine ids.

I already tried to remove the keywords, save the changes and readd them. No succes.
I told Redmine to re-read all the changesets using the command "rails runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production"

But nothing seems to work.

Any ideas?
