


Can Sub-Projects view be changed in css?

Added by Andy Sun about 12 years ago

My project has many sub-projects. And the main page of the project show sub-projects links next to each other, which is really hard to find.

Can I change this in the css files? But I can't find any css related to this in the application.css file.

Plz help me. Thanks

Replies (3)

RE: Can Sub-Projects view be changed in css? - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

You can change it in app/views/projects/show.html.erb, look for the string "label_subproject_plural" (around line 30). Then change the following lines:

 <% if @subprojects.any? %>                                             <- no change here
  <%=l(:label_subproject_plural)%>:                                     <- li tag removed from beginning
  <li><%= @subprojects.collect{|p| link_to(h(p), :action => 'show', :id => p)}.join("</li><li>").html_safe %></li>
  ^^^^                                                                               ^^^^^^^^^
 <% end %>

If you update redmine, this change will get lost so you better make a patch you can apply after updates.

RE: Can Sub-Projects view be changed in css? - Added by Andy Sun about 12 years ago

Thank u very much! I can't wait to try your method tomorrow!

RE: Can Sub-Projects view be changed in css? - Added by Andy Sun about 12 years ago

Jan Niggemann wrote:

You can change it in app/views/projects/show.html.erb, look for the string "label_subproject_plural" (around line 30). Then change the following lines:

If you update redmine, this change will get lost so you better make a patch you can apply after updates.

Thank you very much Jan! I tried your method and it really worked
