


Spent time as % done

Added by David Brandt about 12 years ago


Is it somehow possible to make logged time set percentage done on a issue?

Replies (3)

RE: Spent time as % done - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

I was looking for the same thing just some hours ago, but I didn't find anything.
On a second thought, that is allright, imagine the following scenario:
You estimate that an issue will take 10 hours.
You work 5h and register the time spent.
You realize that it'll take another 10 hours instead of the 5h remaining.
In this case, the % done should be manually set to 33% instead of being calculated to 50% based on the estimated time...

RE: Spent time as % done - Added by David Brandt about 12 years ago

Hi again Jan :)

I see your point, but..

Wouldent it be nice to see the 5 hours make the % done go to 50, if the issue is set to 10 hours!
If I realise the issue takes longer, eg 15 hours, why not adjust the hours set on the issue?
Actually I wouldn't mind a situation where an issue is 150% done. I would quite fast realise that I had made a bad plan!
I think it's more triviel to have to set the % done every time I was working on an issue!

I'm an architect, maybe I use it in an other way then intented!

RE: Spent time as % done - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

David Brandt wrote:

Wouldent it be nice to see the 5 hours make the % done go to 50, if the issue is set to 10 hours!

Oh, it certainly would, at least for me :-)

If I realise the issue takes longer, eg 15 hours, why not adjust the hours set on the issue?

Yes, that could be done, and I wouldn't mind such a solution.

Actually I wouldn't mind a situation where an issue is 150% done. I would quite fast realise that I had made a bad plan!

Thinking of that... Why, not, yes... More than 100% done would quickly point out estimate failures, you're right.

I'm an architect, maybe I use it in an other way then intented!

No, i don't think so...
