


Bitnami Redmine LDAP Authentication

Added by Philip Bysell over 11 years ago

Hello Redmine Users,

I have been working on this for nearly a day now with no success. I am unable to authenticate users in Redmine.

Redmine LDAP Auth Setting: (taken from the UI)
name: myldap
port: 389
account: {blank}
password: {blank}
base DN: ou=myldap,

login: uid
First Name: {blank}
Last Name: {blank}
Email: email

I have created a user to use the above ldap with the user login set to the ldap uid. This returns the error Invalid user or password when logging in.

I can get the user contact using the following in a browser:

This opens the contact in windows with the correct email and name.

Setup is BitNami Redmine Stack 2.0.3-1 on Windows XP SP3.

I have no error log files at /installdir/apps/redmine/logs

Any help or advice greatly appreciated.