


Problems installing redmine on strato vserver wiht plesk panel 11 under ubuntu 12.04

Added by Manuel Fink over 11 years ago


I have problems installing redmine on strato vserver wiht plesk panel 11 under ubuntu 12.04. Ruby for apache is installed. I installed redmine 2.3 with ruby gems, mysql db, ... everything without problems. Now I tried to launch the redmine in the browser and got stuck with the error message:

Application error
Rails application failed to start properly

However the apache2 error log is not very informative:
[Tue Mar 05 15:26:13 2013] [warn] [client ip] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server
[Tue Mar 05 15:26:13 2013] [error] [client ip] Premature end of script headers: dispatch.fcgi

I'm using the supplied htaccess and dispatch.fcgi

Any ideas whats wrong. I'm googleing now for almost 4h without any successful results.

thx, I appreciate your help

Replies (1)

RE: Problems installing redmine on strato vserver wiht plesk panel 11 under ubuntu 12.04 - Added by S. Ruttloff over 11 years ago


Did you try to run with passenger and a appropriate vhost file?
I guess this is easier to setup (and even faster).

Maybe you like to use a hosted Redmine, you can send a mail to (Hint: I'm the owner of this SaaS Solution platform)
