


[RESOLVED] National characters in LDAP username

Added by Piotr Karasinski over 11 years ago

I've configured Redmine 1.4 instance to use Active Directory synchronization. It seems to work fine but for users who's names contain national characters (in this case 'ø') it says 'Login incorrect' when I try to log in for the first time (on the fly user registration is enabled). I should also note that I've patched app/models/user.rb as described on to enable spaces in usernames (unfortunately in our system a lot of usernames contain both spaces and national characters). Can anyone help me out?

Ok I resolved it myself by adding the national characters to user.rb login validation in a similar manner to . After saving the file there appeared a comment on top of the file saying

# -*- coding: undecided -*-

This caused an unknown error when accessing Redmine webpage. Changing "undecided" to "UTF-8" fixed it.