


Issue tracking tied to source control; get only code for specific Issues (or based on Issue state)

Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago

We're looking for version control integrated with issue tracking w/ the following functionality:

1. Create an Issue and tie it to code when we check that code in
2. When we decide to build a release, we want ONLY the code from a particular version control branch that is associated with specific issues (or with issues that have set to some special status - e.g. BUILD). For example, if I created Issues MR123 and MR456 and there's code tied to both, I then want to be able to say that I only want the code that was checked into the version control repository that was associated with MR123 and NOT MR456
3. The version control repository does not have to be distributed; we're ok w/ a centralized repo
4. Version control allows branches for different releases; merging from one release to another
5. Version control integrates w/ eclipse (can specify the Issue that the code is being associated with)
6. Works on Unix

Can RedMine integrated with different version control (git, svn, etc.) do this?
