Translation missing for DMSF custom field tabs
Added by Andy Arismendi almost 12 years ago
Does anyone know what may of caused this? It's preventing me from accessing the tabs because they are cutoff. The arrow buttons don't allow me to see cutoff row.
I have another Redmine instance and it's fine.
I don't know if this is a Redmine issue or a plugin issue...
problem.png (7.93 KB) problem.png | |||
correct.png (8.58 KB) correct.png |
Replies (2)
RE: Translation missing for DMSF custom field tabs
Added by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 12 years ago
Try clear the cache.
If you still have problem, see #13520#note-11.
RE: Translation missing for DMSF custom field tabs
Added by Andy Arismendi almost 12 years ago
It was an issue with the plugin. See thread here:
The resolution was to download the latest version of 1.4.5 master and install it. Though I already had 1.4.5 installed so there's a version control issue.
The latest download of it also required another gem.