


Changing the dates of "Created On" and "Updated On" fields of an issue?

Added by M G about 11 years ago

We need to be able to arbitrarily set the values of fields "Created On" and "Updated On" of an issue. We are using Redmine Java API which does seem to have the following two methods:
  • setCreatedOn(Date createdOn)
  • setUpdatedOn(Date updatedOn)

However these two methods seem to have no effect, as an issue always gets the latest date of the moment of creation/update. That is if I now pass to setCreatedOn() date of 10/11/2000, and the issue gets created now, then getCreatedOn() will in fact return 08/05/2013.

Is there any way I could prevent Redmine overriding the values I set for "Created On" and "Updated On" fields?