


[Resolved] Move single issue between projects?

Added by Tony Ordner over 11 years ago

I am running redmine 2.3.0 stable, ruby 2.0.0, rails 3.2.13 with mysql, one plugin redmine_lightbox 0.0.1, and koppen-redmine-pepper-theme.

I have noticed that when I am in the issue list and I right click on an issue it no longer gives the move option. If I edit one issue at a time it does not give me the option to change the project (if I select more than one I do get the option).

Am I missing something...
Is the Edit for a single issue bugged...
or is the Move option missing?

thank you

2013.05.29 Update -- I figured this out. it was a permissions issue when a user had both manager and developer and the developer did not have move rights. I am not certain why more then one issue could be moved but only one could not however I have changed to allow the developer to also move and can now move one or many issues just fine via the right click and edit command.