


Incoming eMail - from Anonymous? Change to Senders Mail?

Added by Mirco Baumann about 11 years ago

Hi there,

we just start up with RedMine. First of all - thank you for this Applikation!

As we now configured our Mail-System it starts to work great.
But only, if the sender is known by an existing account in our User-Database.

Our Question/Target is, if there is someone without an account and writes a mail; it will creat a new ticket - but the senders email is lost in this moment.

There is Anonymous as creator; but how should we reponse this eMail - without the mail-adress in this case !?

So i hope to get you help.

Is there anyting we have to setup or how could this work...
Mail from someone to our IMAP-Mailbox > Creating Ticket > Response from our Support-Team... ## This works great with registrered Members!

Thank you @ all!

  Redmine version                          2.3.0.stable
  Ruby version                             1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
  Rails version                            3.2.13
  Environment                              production
  Database adapter                         MySQL
