


who can help me.. get issues by changeset with java rest api

Added by yang xu about 11 years ago

now in my team, i want to get the issus by changeset as parameter through java rest api.
I found out the api which called 'redmine-java-api-1.17.jar' , in it i found the method getProject and createIssue ...... but i didn't find the method getIssuesByChangeset

so who can help me that how can i get the issues by the changeset as parameter.


best regards.

Replies (5)

RE: who can help me.. get issues by changeset with java rest api - Added by Filou Centrinov about 11 years ago

I think are talking about this redmine-java-api. As far as I see you have to use getIssues(...) with appropriate params.

RE: who can help me.. get issues by changeset with java rest api - Added by yang xu about 11 years ago

Filou Centrinov wrote:

I think are talking about this redmine-java-api. As far as I see you have to use getIssues(...) with appropriate params.

thanks Filou Centrinov

My english level is lower...... so first i must thanks to that you reply my question.

--> getIssues(String projectKey, Integer queryId, INCLUDE... include )

yes, I try to use this method, but i don't know what is the "queryId" as param. and i put the param "include" with INCLUDE.changesets.

final RedmineManager mgr = new RedmineManager(redmineHost, "digua","admin");
List issues = mgr.getIssues(projectKey, null, INCLUDE.changesets);
for (Issue issue : issues) {
System.out.println(" ################ " + issue.toString());
System.out.println(" ################ ChangeSets : " + issue.getChangesets());

then i get the results for issues, unhappy that the issues didn't include the changeset info....

could you tell me how can i use it to get the issues include the changesets.?
(then i loop the issues to get the issue which related to the changeset as parameters);

or any other ways to do it?

RE: who can help me.. get issues by changeset with java rest api - Added by Filou Centrinov about 11 years ago

I've looked in the Issue REST API and there you have no posibility to filter by changesets, so this won't be possible for the java api too. The REST API provides only informations about changesets for a single issue that was requested:

RE: who can help me.. get issues by changeset with java rest api - Added by yang xu about 11 years ago

thanks again.

that means it's the only way to get issue include changesets.
no method supported that get issues by changesetId.
