


Help with finding the Repository URL

Added by David Leedy about 11 years ago


We are currently using Redmine 1.3.1 for all our internal developers. We're stuck on this older version because a key plugin that we use doesn't work with anything newer as far as we know. We're not Redmine experts so I'm hoping there's something that we missed.

The plugin that we use is called "Checkout" -

All this does really is put on the top of the Repository page the actual URL to use for importing into Source Control. So we can copy the URL and paste it into Eclipse and get going.

Without this plugin I don't know how to found out the URL to use to get the repository for our projects.

Surely there's a way that this is built in and we're missing something? Or there's a newer plugin that works with the current version?

Any advice would be appreciated. We really want to upgrade to the latest version of Redmine.
