


production.log| fail2ban | production.log failregex not matching

Added by jerome l almost 11 years ago

I am trying to configure fail2ban for my redmine 2.3 running on debian sqeeze.
i have followed the wiki here:[[]]

According to this manual : [[]]

The problem that there is a known bug in fail2ban on Debian (no luck for me), when i run the command:

fail2ban-regex "Failed login for 'admin' from at 2013-08-19 17:39:25 UTC" "failregex" 

I have the output "Sorry, no match" > it confirms that fail2ban doesn't recognize the format of the production.log's .

My questions are:

- Does someone here got the same problem ?(I might be wrong in my configuration somewhere)

- which solution do I have? Maybe reconfiguring the daemon log to give a matching output for fail2ban: but how ?

- Is it possible to take this issue in the development process for future redmine release as I believe that fail2ban is one of the most used security software and if production.log meets its format,that will increase security of redmine and ease the life of users :).
The bug has been corrected by fail2ban developper, but it's a workaround (fail2ban ignore the date format, so feature is not complete).
I am sure a solution coming from redmine side would be great !
Hope to read your answers soon.

Best regards