


Trying to use "String" Custom Fields for datetimes and fill it automatically

Added by Gurvan Le Dromaguet almost 11 years ago


Similarly to "Closed Date" field that was added recently, I need to record other key dates for tracking. For this I would need: I did not find existing solutions for these 2 items, so I have considered:
  • Using a Custom field type "String" to record date times with a fixed predefined format (eg: 2013/09/01 16:41 UTC), quite easy in Ruby:
    dnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S UTC")
  • For triggers, I thought I could add a method in issue.rb update(), but can't get it to work.
    2 problems: How to get the former state ? How to update the custom field ? I tried this: but no luck my field is never updated (and I have big troubles understanding the code)

Did anyone code successfully such a mechanism ?
