High CPU load
Added by Bintintan Andrei about 11 years ago
Hello everybody,
I have updated to the latest version of Redmine, and I am experiencing very high CPU load on my server.
See attached screenshot.
I am not sure what causes this, but it seems that something is hanging. I am not a ruby expert... so I don't even know where to look first.
Maybe this info helps:
:/opt/redmine-2.3# bundle list Gems included by the bundle: * actionmailer (3.2.13) * actionpack (3.2.13) * activemodel (3.2.13) * activerecord (3.2.13) * activeresource (3.2.13) * activesupport (3.2.13) * arel (3.0.3) * builder (3.0.0) * bundler (1.3.5) * capybara (2.0.3) * childprocess (0.3.9) * coderay (1.0.9) * erubis (2.7.0) * ffi (1.9.3) * hike (1.2.3) * i18n (0.6.1) * journey (1.0.4) * jquery-rails (2.0.3) * json (1.8.1) * mail (2.5.4) * metaclass (0.0.1) * mime-types (1.25.1) * mocha (0.13.3) * multi_json (1.8.2) * mysql2 (0.3.14) * net-ldap (0.3.1) * nokogiri (1.5.10) * polyglot (0.3.3) * rack (1.4.5) * rack-cache (1.2) * rack-openid (1.4.1) * rack-ssl (1.3.3) * rack-test (0.6.2) * rails (3.2.13) * railties (3.2.13) * rake (10.1.0) * rdoc (3.12.2) * rmagick (2.13.2) * ruby-openid (2.3.0) * rubyzip (0.9.9) * selenium-webdriver (2.35.1) * shoulda (3.3.2) * shoulda-context (1.0.2) * shoulda-matchers (1.4.1) * sprockets (2.2.2) * thor (0.18.1) * tilt (1.4.1) * treetop (1.4.15) * tzinfo (0.3.38) * websocket (1.0.7) * xpath (1.0.0) * yard (
Suggestions are welcome,
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