


Git repo gives "Application error Rails application failed to start properly"

Added by Mathias Tausen over 10 years ago

My redmine (2.2.3.stable) is running on a CentOS server. Ruby version 1.9.2p136, rails 3.2.12, git Using mysql 14.14.

I've been using redmine with a few repositories for a while with no issues. After adding a large, old repository (a fork of moodle, I get "Application error Rails application failed to start properly" when trying to visit the repo through redmine.

Here's the output that shows up in my log:

SCM command failed, make sure that your SCM command (e.g. svn) is in PATH (/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin)
You can configure your scm commands in config/configuration.yml.
'/usr/bin/git' '--git-dir' '/home/git/moodle.git' '-c' 'core.quotepath=false' '-c' 'log.decorate=no' 'log' '--no-color' '--encoding=UTF-8' '--raw' '--date=iso' '--pretty=fuller' '--parents' '--stdin' '--reverse'
with: exit
  Rendered common/error.html.erb within layouts/base (1.2ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 43738ms (Views: 47.1ms | ActiveRecord: 74.3ms)

I have no reason to believe there's issues with my git, since it works fine for other repositories. Also, executing "git --git-dir /home/git/moodle.git/ -c core.quotepath=false -c log.decorate=no log --no-color --encoding=UTF-8 --raw --date=iso --pretty=fuller --parents --reverse" (I omitted the --stdin argument) seems to work just fine.

I asked on #redmine where Lauer suggested that special characters in the log output may be the issue - scrolling through the log shows a few <E8> and <E9>'s, but I'm not sure how to proceed.

Thanks in advance.