


Automatically copy as subtasks to selected subprojects

Added by the fury over 10 years ago

My projects are set up like so:

  • Main Project (with repository)
    • Subproject 1
    • Subproject 2
    • Subproject 3
    • Subproject 4
    • Subproject 5

Each subproject derives much of its source from the main project, so when something changes in the main project in a piece of code that that subproject uses, it has to get tracked in subproject as well (to ensure that the desired change/fix works on this project).

I've been adding issues in the main project for tracking the development, and then copying/subtasking them to other projects (i.e. new issue in Subproject 1 with parent task set to the issue in main project) to keep track of when the change is compiled into each affected project.

When I commit to the repository, I add the comment "fixes #..." with the number of the main project issue because I never remember the issue numbers for the subtasks (it would be great if resolving/referencing an issue from a commit could also trickle down to subtasks, but that's another ask for another time)

Today I found myself doing the create issue/copy to subtask shuffle no less than 3 times, in each case copying to 4 of the 5 subprojects (the last of which doesn't use the code that's affected), and copying/pasting/typing tags manually each time.

  • Create issue in main project
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 1, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 2, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 3, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 4, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
  • Create another issue in main project
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 1, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 2, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 3, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 4, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
  • Create third issue in main project
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 1, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 2, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 3, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value
    • Copy description text to new issue in subproject 4, set assignee to me, set parent task to issue number, type in tags and manually select custom field value

This is obviously nuts, took me a good 10-15 minutes to do, and I am hoping there is a way, through a plugin or some other feature I haven't found, to automate this a little more.

I can copy a single issue to another, but not without creating the first subtask in a subproject and then copying from there (otherwise the relations between the two are impossible to finish setting up due to #13654 ) -- even then, I still have to manually enter several things (assignee, custom fields used for plugins: Tags, Release Note Status).

Basically, in an issue that exists (or is about to be created) in a project that has subprojects, I need a dialog with checkboxes for each subproject to copy to. When the copy button is pressed, or the issue is created, it copies the issue as-is to each selected subproject (all fields including custom fields, except target version maybe), and sets the main issue number as parent task.

What can I do?

Thanks :)