


Redmine On the fly user creation

Added by jhony gonzalez over 16 years ago

Versión: Redmine 0.6.4 (MySQL)
Default administrator account changed True
File repository writable True
RMagick available False

I created the configuration fot ldap of redmine
but it don´t export the user automatically
What is my problem?
i don´t know if i have bad configuration

My configuration is next

Name = User
Host = vega
Port = 389
LDAPS = no
Account =
Password = xxxxxxxxxxx
Base DN = CN=users,DC=vega,DC=ingeneo,DC=biz

On-the-fly user creation = yes
Login = sAMAccountName
Firstname = givenName
Lastname = sN
Email = mail

Replies (4)

RE: Redmine On the fly user creation - Added by jhony gonzalez over 16 years ago

excuse me

Base DN = CN=users,DC=ingeneo,DC=biz

this form it´s validate the users if i create the users
but on the fly user creation
Not working

RE: Redmine On the fly user creation - Added by F. D. Castel over 16 years ago

Same problem here.

(Not sure if here is the best place to report this, but...)

Redmine 0.7.0 RC1 (SQLite3)

Go into Administration / Settings / Authentication / LDAP Authentication

Name = MyDirectory
Host = (IP of Windows 2003 Server DC)
Port = 389
LDAPS = no
Account = mydomain\MyAccountName (I tried also only 'MyAccountName', same results)
Password = xxxxxxxxxxx
Base DN = cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local (domain's FQN is 'mydomain.local')

On-the-fly user creation = yes
Login = sAMAccountName (as instructed on Redmine Wiki)
Firstname = givenName
Lastname = sN
Email = mail

Clicking on "Test" command returns "Successful connection."

Creating a Redmine user with same name as an account name from AD and setting "Authentication Mode = MyDirectory" also works.

However, if I try to login with another username / password from AD, it returns "Invalid user or password"

Any ideas? I'm doing something wrong?

Best regards,


RE: Redmine On the fly user creation - Added by F. D. Castel over 16 years ago

Found it.

The users from my domain have a BLANK e-mail address in their account profile. This makes LDAP authentication to fail.
(sure, the error message could be more useful... :) )

Jhony, check if all your domain users have "First Name" (givenName), "Last Name" (sN) and "E-Mail" (mail) filled under their account properties (see the attached image).



RE: Redmine On the fly user creation - Added by F. D. Castel over 16 years ago

Added a feature request (Feature #1042)
