


Send email to arbitrary address

Added by Gerald Brandt over 10 years ago


I sometimes get phone call support issues from users, and I create the ticket myself. The user doesn't have an account in Redmine, and probably will never need one.

Is there a way to have Redmine send emails to the user? For example, I need to ask some questions, so I basically want toi do an edit, but have that edit sent out as an email a non-Redmine user can respond to.

I currently use FogBugz, and it lets me send emails, but I can't seem to do it from Redmine.


Replies (1)

RE: Send email to arbitrary address - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hi Gerald,
It seems the Redmine Helpdesk plugin does what you are looking for.
Please note that this plugin is not free of charge ($156).
Disclaimer: There should be free alternatives that I'm not aware of. I'm not in any way related to RedmineCRM and you should contact them to make sure it fulfills our need before purchasing.
