


multiple git repositories per project

Added by Kengi Chan over 10 years ago

Hi everybody,

I would like to setup multiple repositories under one project
from /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Apache/Authn/ (redmine/extra/svn/ say:
In case of multiple repositories for the same project, use the project identifier
and the repository identifier separated with a dot:


but if i New repository with:
SCM : git
identifier: jrmw.mwit
path to repository: /opt/repos/git/jrmw.mwit.git

after click "create new repository"
error: Identifier is invalid

Identifier can not support include dot in redmine 2.x version?

My env is:

Redmine version 2.5.0.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3-p327 (2012-11-10) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 3.2.17
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2


Subversion 1.7.4
Git 1.7.1

Redmine plugins:

redmine_code_review 0.6.3
redmine_mylyn_connector 2.8.2.stable
redmine_scm 0.4.2
redmine_svnauth 0.0.2
redmine_theme_changer 0.1.0
redmine_timesheet_plugin 0.7.0
rtx_notify 0.0.1

Replies (4)

RE: multiple git repositories per project - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hi Kengi,

Kengi Chan wrote:

path to repository: /opt/repos/git/jrmw.mwit.git

Try /opt/repos/git/jrmw.mwit instead

If you have trouble, you could try my "Create Git" plugin :


RE: multiple git repositories per project - Added by Kengi Chan over 10 years ago

Thanks Martin,

But the "identifier: jrmw.mwit" still be forbided by redmine
not from git or its plugin.

RE: multiple git repositories per project - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hi Kengi,
Can you confirm that jrmw is the identifier of the project?
You may also want to check the permissions, it is most likely that www-data is your web user so:

chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/repos/git/jrmw.mwit

If your problem persist, please attach the relevant log:
tail -f /opt/redmine/log/production.log


RE: multiple git repositories per project - Added by Kengi Chan over 10 years ago

Yes , jrmw is current project identifier, there was one git repository "/opt/repos/git/jrmw.git"
and i want to create new one /opt/repos/git/jrmw.mwit.git under the same project(mutil repository per project, not sub project)

during i create new one with "identifier : jrmw.mwit"
i tail -f redmine/log/production.log
nothing change at all

I guess the identifier check by ruby router is fail.

so far, I have to crack the /var/www/app/redmine/extra/svn/
line 246 and 385:

- projects.identifier=?
+ projects.identifier=SUBSTRING_INDEX(?,'_',1)

then , create one git repository with identifier : jrmw_mwit
