


Allow-overwrite with Fetching emails from an imap server

Added by Jean Pire over 10 years ago


i try to config "Fetching emails from an imap server", the task read new email but no change in redmine.

Where can i setup allow-overwrite on all project ?
Or maybe a firewall problem ?

The email is send with

Project :
Tracker :

already try this guide :


Replies (2)

RE: Allow-overwrite with Fetching emails from an imap server - Added by Sebastian Paszek over 10 years ago

I got exactly the same problem.
I assume that if system reads IMAP, then there should not be an issue with firewall...

Any help will be appreciated

Thank you in advance

RE: Allow-overwrite with Fetching emails from an imap server - Added by Chad West over 10 years ago

I'm going to piggy back this post as well. I'm having issues getting emails into Redmine from exchange server using imap. Everything seems to go through just fine but no new issues appear in the project list I specified. Here is an output:

[root@redmine log]# /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/bin/rake /var/www/redmine/lib/tasks/email.rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=imap.***.***.*** port=993 username=user password=password ssl=1 project=Tickets category=unassigned tracker=Support unknown_user=accept --trace
(in /var/www/redmine)
** Invoke /var/www/redmine/lib/tasks/email.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke redmine:email:receive_imap (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute redmine:email:receive_imap
[root@redmine log]#

Sorry again for hijacking/piggy backing the post.
