


Notifications are not working but able to send test email successfully

Added by Nigel Gardner over 10 years ago


I have just setup Ubuntu Server 12.04 on a fanless PC with latest stable version of Redmine. Added postfix and finally got test email to send from admin setup. Followed that, I added a user and a project, but no matter what I try with the settings, I can only receive emails to the admin email address when there are changes to the project. Have tried personal hotmail and company email addresses to no avail.

It looks like this was a problem in the past (, but there does not seem to be a resolution to it.

I am not an expert in Linux, but have used Redmine for a number of years as user and admin.


Replies (1)

RE: Notifications are not working but able to send test email successfully - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hi Nigel,

Please check your settings:
  • Administration, Settings, Email notifications tab (path is /settings?tab=notifications). Check that the situations in which to send email are correctly defined
  • In your account (path is /my/account) make sure that the email configuration is correct for you to receive emails. Make also sure the email address you entered is correct

If there is still nothing, you should get a look to the logs.

