


Revert changes performed by specific author

Added by Anonymous about 10 years ago


I was trying to move some issues from a subproject to the main project, while also adding a category.
The steps I took were the following:
- selected all issues on the main project
- added filter for the subproject + open issues
This is where it gets interesting - I was returned a list, altough the issues in this subproject had already been moved.. I did not check if the issues returned were the correct ones, so I just went on:
- selected all open issues
- right click + copy ( I now know I should have used Edit )
- changed project to main project, also the category and the version;
- clicked on Copy.

And here is where everything went horribly wrong: all the issues that were already in the main project and that category are GONE. As in nowhere to be found. As in freaking DELETED. Either that, or they're very well hidden.
I'm not sure exactly how all this could have happened. 'Cause if you ask me, the filtering by subproject should have returned an empty list and the copying should NOT have deleted anything that was already there.

BUT, right now all I want is to get my issues back, without losing any more data. Is there ANY way to revert changes done by a specific author?! I believe this would be the easiest way, as I am talking of about 70 issues. If not, could anyone please help me to find out what exactly happened the moment I clicked copy? (it doesn't make any sense at all for the issues to just disappear, I am still hoping to find them )

Thank you.