


Customizing "My page" and default "My page" presets

Added by Eugene B about 10 years ago

I would like to slightly change default columns and presets for "My Page" but i dont have enough experience to do it :) I can slightly change setup myself, but adding a new code is a problem for me, Im just advanced user, not software developer >.< I was able to change something myself, but I need help for other additions. If somebody else will find useful this changes they may take files from this thread and use it with their Redmine installation, all you need is just to replace old files with new one. Always do file backup before changes!

+ = done
- = not done

for "My page" (related to files: "_list_simple.html.erb" "my_helper.rb" i would like to do the following changes:

+ remove limit 10 items per block - display all open issues.
+ sorting issues by priority on My page
- change default columns to, |#issue № |project |issue name (status) |updated_on |
I have tried adding the column "updated_on" - its works, but it displays time in full UTC+0 format, not like usual appearance UTC+4 (for example: 17.02.2014 01:43)
- advanced: different columns setup for each block on my page:
for issuesassignedtome: *grouping by priority, columns: |#issue № |project |issue name (status) |updated_on |
for issueswatchedbyme: *grouping by assigned to, columns: |#issue № |project |priority |issue name (status) |updated_on |
for issuesrepoortedbyme: *grouping by assigned to, columns: |#issue № |project |priority |issue name (status) |updated_on |

*for issues assigned to me - add grouping by priority, same way as it is available from filters
*for issues watched by me + issue reported by me block - add grouping by assigned to, same way as it is available from filters

for default presets for: "_issuesassignedtome.html.erb"
+ sorting issues by priority
+ display only open issues
- add grouping by priority , remove column "priority" from displayed (as I see columns list is taken from default visible columns setup)

for default presets for: "_issueswatched.html.erb" and "_issuesreportedbyme.html.erb"
+ sorting issues by priority
+ display only open issues
- add grouping by "assigned to" , remove column "assigned to" from displayed (as I see columns list is taken from default visible columns setup)

attached files:
- with prefix OLD_ - is default unchanged Redmine files
- w/o prefix is with my changes