


About backup redmine

Added by anna c almost 11 years ago

Only two lines commands

  1. Database
    /usr/bin/mysqldump -u <username> -p<password> <redmine_database> | gzip > /path/to/backup/db/redmine_`date +%y_%m_%d`.gz
  1. Attachments
    rsync -a /path/to/redmine/files /path/to/backup/files

but i really not sure where the files folder is...and what kind data is in it?

I am using ubuntu and redmine version is 2.3.3

so far I have looked into:

according one of discussion I found
the files folder seems locate in /var/lib/redmine/default/

but I don't really know what is suppose to be in the folder so I am not sure if I found the correct folder.
Could someone share some thought with me ?


Replies (2)

RE: About backup redmine - Added by anna c almost 11 years ago

I found another one under /usr/share/redmine/

RE: About backup redmine - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago

How did you install redmine? Please post the output of the following command (paste it into a terminal):
dpkg -l|grep -i redmine
I think Ubuntu uses dpkg internally, but I'm unsure. This should list all packages containing the name "redmine", this might give us a clue...
