


No Public Option on Custom Queries

Added by Anonymous about 10 years ago

I'm running Redmine 2.4.1 (along with 2.4.3 in my dev environment) and I cannot make any custom query public. All valid roles have both the "Manage public queries" and "Save queries" permissions and no users problem creating, saving or using custom queries, but only the user who created the custom query can see it. We run this on a private network, so I want everyone on our network to have access to the queries, whether they're logged in or not.

According to the documentation, I should have a "public" checkbox when creating a custom query, but it's quite simply not there. Speaking of which, the screenshot attached to the doc page I linked to also doesn't show any "public" checkbox... What's going on here?

Edit: Right... Excuse my stupidity, I just noticed the "Visible" radio selection list when saving a new custom query. Don't know how I missed that. Nevermind then. :)