


Can't set email notification up

Added by Dimitrij Funk about 10 years ago

Hello all :)
I have two servers, production and development server.
On the dev server is some related stuff installed- like hudson, svn, redmine and so on.
Gradually i got several people who are involved in one or another project,
so i tried to adjust an email notification, but it doesnt working -
every time fails a testmail with the statement "hostname was not match with the server certificate"
In fact, well known problem, but:
because I was too lazy to do setting up local SMTP on the dev server, i tried to
connect to prod server smpt.
Any time i got this error, but the prod smtp wasnt addressed, only local on the dev.


default: #production causes a fatal error
delivery_method: :sendmail # i tried smtp, nothing happens
address: # i tried IP and prod host
port: 587
domain: domain.dom # i tried prod, dev and local
authentication: :none # i tried plain and login
user_name: "xxxx"
password: "xxxx"
enable_starttls_auto: false
openssl_verify_mode: 'none'

but all it fails

someone knows solution or tip?

system: Ubuntu server 10.04, redmine version 0.9.3 stable
