


How to call and display a custom value of an issue ?

Added by Alice Etchegaray about 10 years ago


My question is in the title : how to call and display a custom value of an issue ?
Is there a function to do that ?

Thank for your help,


Replies (4)

RE: How to call and display a custom value of an issue ? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Hello Alice,
As far as I remember, it is:

<%= issue.custom_field_values[field_id] %>

Where field_id is the id of the custom field.

RE: How to call and display a custom value of an issue ? - Added by Alice Etchegaray about 10 years ago

Thank for your reply Martin.

But the value of field_id isn't corresponding to the id of the custom field...

In fact, I would automatize this field : I would get back the value of the custom field where the custom_field_id = 2 and the customized_id =

Do you understand ?

Here is my code :

  <table class="list related-issues">
  <caption><%= l(:label_related_issues) %></caption>
  <%- @issues.each do |issue| -%>
    <tr class="issue hascontextmenu">
      <td class="checkbox"><%= check_box_tag 'ids[]',, false, :id => nil %></td>
      <td class="subject"><%= link_to_issue(issue, :project => (@project != issue.project)) %></td>
      <td>Etape : </td>
      <td class="etape"><%= issue.custom_field_values[{:custom_field_id => 2, :customized_id =>}] %></td>
  <% end %>

RE: How to call and display a custom value of an issue ? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

I had to go to check and the correct method is:


So in your case:
<td class="etape"><%= issue.custom_field_value(2) %></td>

The method declaration for more details:

RE: How to call and display a custom value of an issue ? - Added by Alice Etchegaray about 10 years ago

Ok, it's working :)

Thank you Martin !
