


redmine_github_hook - permission error

Added by Talbion T about 10 years ago


I've installed Redmine (standard deployment: Ubuntu 12.04 with Bitnami Redmine 2.4, Ruby 1.9),
created a GitHub repository from,
and configured it according the author's instructions & notes.

Once the redmine project has been configured and connected to the GitHub repo (via Project Settings) - it got synced and showed the repo files properly on Redmine.
BUT - when I try to 'push' an updated file (via SourceTree, for example) - it updates the GitHub repo but NOT the redmine. As you can see in the attached jpg (redmine's production.log) - an error is being received on the 'git fetch origin' command, while a permission error is following as well.

Just to clarify - I believe that the SSH keys with GitHub & Redmine server are properly established, as I get the proper output when executing ssh -T : "Hi! You've successfully authenticated..."

(I also noticed the 'Current user: Anonymous' - is this supposed to be something else/other user? If so, how can I fix it?)

Could you please advise on this one? I'm troubleshooting it for a few days now and read every piece of info here and on github...but still no successful 'PUSH' :(



github_err.PNG (23.5 KB) github_err.PNG Redmine's "Production.log"