


[Urgent Help]Redmine Mail Notification Issue(If recipients are large, for example, more than 100, mail can not be received)

Added by li an about 10 years ago

Hi all,

Have u ever met such situation, if redmine project members are large, such as more than 100, mail can not be received?

I created a public project with public discussion forum for developers to submit questions, but all can not get mail notification. I tested in another redmine project with only 5 members, and post a message in the discussion forum, mail can be received, so I guess it is the members of that public project are large. Is there any method to deal with it?

We are using Bitnami-redmine 2.3.2 on windows server.

Email setting is in configuration.yml, I tried 2 settings, one is for asysn-smtp, the other is smtp, both are failed to deal with large amounts of recipients, both are successful to send to small amounts of recipients.

