


2.2.4 installs, but not 2.5.1

Added by Frederick Brier about 10 years ago

Redmine 2.5.1
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
rails 3.2.17
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
MySQL 5.5.37
Ruby Gems 1.8.15

I am trying to install Redmine using a Chef cookbook. It works installing Redmine 2.2.4, which is the default for this cookbook, but it won't work for Redmine 2.5.1. The error it gives is:

Error executing action `deploy` on resource 'deploy_revision[/opt/redmine]' ================================================================================
rake db:migrate returned 1, expected 0@

I read through all the Redmine release notes between 2.2.4 and 2.5.1 and saw no changes to the tools or ruby libraries or packages or database features that would explain why 2.5.1 would behave differently on a clean install. Also, why would db:migrate execute on a clean install?

One peculiarity, is that the mysql gem does not seem to be installed, which should be required, no? Has anyone on this list used this Chef Cookbook? Or know what might be causing the problem? Or have a suggestion on where to look. Thank you.


Replies (3)

RE: 2.2.4 installs, but not 2.5.1 - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 10 years ago

Hi Fred,

Frederick Brier wrote:

I read through all the Redmine release notes between 2.2.4 and 2.5.1 and saw no changes to the tools or ruby libraries or packages or database features that would explain why 2.5.1 would behave differently on a clean install.

I've not yet tried chef, but I agree: I can't think of any differences either.

Also, why would db:migrate execute on a clean install?

Because it creates all database tables, otherwise you'd have none.

One peculiarity, is that the mysql gem does not seem to be installed, which should be required, no?

You should use the mysql2 gem with rails3...

RE: 2.2.4 installs, but not 2.5.1 - Added by Frederick Brier about 10 years ago


Thank you for the help. It was the missing mysql gem. I have no idea why it worked under 2.2.4 and not 2.5.1. I did see several posts about the gem not being included in the install bundle, so I added it to the cookbook and that solve the problem. I posted the fix on the cookbook issue I opened. Thank you.


RE: 2.2.4 installs, but not 2.5.1 - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 10 years ago

I think you needed to explicitly install the mysql gem via the chef recipe because you excluded it from bundler...
