List-fields deletd if a ticket change a project
Added by Benedikt Aufermann over 10 years ago
this is my first post in this forum and it is something tricky.
In our redmine we move tickets from one project to an other project.
But then user-defined list fields are deleted, if there are more then one item selected.
If only one item is selected we have no problem.
The tracker and fields are assigned to both projects, that is not the problem.
Has someone any idea what could be wrong?
Benedikt Aufermann
Redmine version 2.0.4.stable.11282
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter PostgreSQL
Redmine plugins:
redmine_backlogs v0.9.36
redmine_code_review 0.5.0
redmine_importer 0.5.0
redmine_information 1.0.1
redmine_mmexport 0.3.1
redmine_wiki_sql 0.0.1
Replies (1)
RE: List-fields deletd if a ticket change a project - Added by Benedikt Aufermann about 10 years ago
we still have this problem.
Does anyone know, if this is a commen bug (My search wasn't successfull but perhaps I've used the wrong keywords)?
Is it solved with a newr version of redmine?
Or do we have done some settings wrong?
Or at least has someone had this problem before.
I need help in this topic
Benedikt Aufermann