


Cannot use LDAP integration

Added by Carlos Abella almost 10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have just configured LDAP Autentication. I created a user saying that user is from my LDAP connection, but when I try to login with that user, I got an invalid user or password message.

Anyone know how to troubleshoot this issue?

Thanks a lot.

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Replies (2)

RE: Cannot use LDAP integration - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 10 years ago

Hi Carlos,
Your settings seem very wrong:
For the Base DN try:


If you are not sure of your configuration, I recommend you use a tool such as LDAP Browser to find the correct path to your users.
For the attributes:
Login: sAMAccountName
First name: givenName
Last name: sn
Email: mail

With the Login attribute set to sAMAccountName, the user should input my.user as a Redmine login.

RE: Cannot use LDAP integration - Added by Carlos Abella almost 10 years ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your answer, but It doesen't work.

Maybe Do I have to join the machine where I installed redmine to the Active Directory?

Thanks again.
