


Need Some Help Converting Content Format

Added by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

I've been maintaining a Redmine setup for a while now, but I'm not entirely happy with the format we're using for issue tickets, wiki, KB articles, etc.. We've been using CKEditor since near the beginning, mostly because it has a nice editor UI. However, storing the content internally in HTML is causing a few problems with exporting data, so I'd actually like to get rid of it and move back to Markdown.

In my searching I found a Textile to Markdown converter and something that looks to be a HTML to Markdown converter, but I need to somehow use some functionality from each, using the first for it's Redmine side and the second for it's "from HTML" side.

Would someone be willing or able to help me out with converting the content? I'm not familiar enough with either Python or Ruby to set up something like this.