


Not able to see tabs --> Download, Activity, Roadmap, Issues, News, Wiki, Forums, & Repository after successfully created a project

Added by ThanhVan Tran almost 10 years ago

I've installed Redmine on my Windows XP OS successfully. After that, I logged in and created a new Project. I did select all trackers (Bug, Feature, & Support) under Settings --> Information. But when I go to the Project that I just created, I can only see Overview tab and nothing else. Please help me to resolve this issue. Attached is the screenshot of current Redmine setup vs. what I just created.

Thanks in advance

Replies (1)

RE: Not able to see tabs --> Download, Activity, Roadmap, Issues, News, Wiki, Forums, & Repository after successfully created a project - Added by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

Sounds like you're on the right track so far, might be missing something small though.. Assuming the project is not "Private" and all other options are default, here are a few things to check:

Are the modules enabled for the project? (project settings)
Is your user assigned as a member of the project? (project settings)
Does the user's role in the project have access to the different modules' content? (global settings)
