


Delete Member ICON from project does not show up

Added by Nicolas Pasini about 10 years ago

Dear all,

I just realized I can't delete any member from any project 'cause there is no button.

Behavior :
If I add a new member with a specific role, I can delete that user 'cause I can see the button.

The thing is I can't delete members created about a year ago.

So I am guessing something is wrong with the database ... I won't say it is a bug because my redmine server was offline for while
and maybe something went wrong during this last time.

I tried upgrading redmine to :

  Redmine version                2.5.2.devel.11981
  Ruby version                   1.8.7-p352 (2011-06-30) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version                  3.2.19
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               PostgreSQL
  Subversion                     1.6.17
Redmine plugins:
  no plugin installed

Please, take a look to the next 3 attached files.

1.png is the INFORMATION RedMine Page
2.png shows that I am admin, so I should be able to delete members.
3.png shows the issue, there is no Delete button.

Any hint ? Should I provide extra information ? Logs ? some sql query ?

A bit more of info, hope it helps!


ubuadmin@redmine:/mnt/DATASTORE/redmine$ sudo RAILS_ENV=production script/about


sh: 1: darcs: not found
sh: 1: hg: not found
sh: 1: cvs: not found
sh: 1: bzr: not found
  Redmine version                2.5.2.devel.11981
  Ruby version                   1.8.7-p352 (2011-06-30) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version                  3.2.19
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               PostgreSQL
  Subversion                     1.6.17
Redmine plugins:
  no plugin installed

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,


1.png (27 KB) 1.png Information System RedMine
2.png (19.1 KB) 2.png Users Page
3.png (37.4 KB) 3.png Project settings tab

Replies (3)

RE: Delete Member ICON from project does not show up - Added by Nicolas Pasini about 10 years ago

Hi all again,

Hmmm ...Think I've found something ...

SQL Query

SELECT,,pr.is_public,pr.identifier,pr.inherit_members FROM projects pr;


 id |                       name                        | is_public |         identifier          | inherit_members 
 34 | Backups                                           | f         | descriptioncw               | f
 35 | English                                           | f         | descriptioncx               | f
  5 | Researches Only for projects                      | f         | e-learning                  | f
  6 | Hibernate                                         | f         | hibernate                   | t
 32 | Rules and directives                              | f         | descriptioncv               | t
 31 | pattern for description of use case               | f         | descriptioncu               | f
 36 | Network Infrastructure                            | f         | ida-netinfrastructure       | t
 10 | Virtual Machines and User                         | f         | virtual-machines            | f
  8 | Extras - Learn more about all                     | f         | extras-learn-more-about-all | t
 13 | ESXI 5.0 Server                                   | f         | esxi-5-0-server             | f
  3 | IT  Software Infrastructure                       | f         | it                          | f
  9 | How To install RedMine + Postgres 9.1 and Apache2 | f         | redmine                     | f
 27 | NEM                                               | f         | men                         | t
 22 | TEST                                              | f         | questionw                   | t
 23 | FINDER                                            | f         | questionx                   | t
 16 | Questions & How to                                | f         | questions                   | f


I can't delete members if they were added using "inherit" ...IN A SUBPROJECT.
From the column "inherit_mebers", If it is True, I won't see the delete button ...

That explains why I was able to delete the member I added for testing purposes. Because he was not
added with the option "Inherit members", he was just added manually.

*So, this not apply if we are talking about a MAIN PROJECT.*

Am I right ? If yes ...sorry for all this post ... LOL ...Holly s..


RE: Delete Member ICON from project does not show up - Added by Adnan Topçu about 10 years ago

If you. Unselect inherit users option on the project settings page all inherit users will be removed from that project

RE: Delete Member ICON from project does not show up - Added by Nicolas Pasini about 10 years ago

Hi Adnan,

Yes, but I need to remove that member, so steps are :
- Uncheck that option (inherit)
- Add members manually.

Everything working fine. Moved the Redmine directory and moved the datafile to a new datastore.

