


Redmine+https svn link issue(revision history cannot been seen in repository)

Added by li an almost 10 years ago

Hi all,

Before we use http svn and configure svn address in redmine, the repository function in redmine is well run. All revision history of repository can be shown.
Now we use https svn, and configure htpps svn address in redmine, at the same time modify \apps\redmine\htdocs\lib\redmine\scm\adapters\subversion_adapter.rb, the modification is:

change this command str << " --no-auth-cache --non-interactive" to str << " --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert --non-interactive --config-dir \"C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Subversion"

Then svn repository can be seen from redmine, if no change in subversion_adpter.rb, there will be 404 error for repository cannot been seen from redmine.

But another issue occurs. Revision history can not been seen from repository, only svn directory and files can be seen. Error is shown in the attachment. For https svn is the security way, we can not revert to http svn. Now we are troubled with that issue.

Need help!


Replies (1)

RE: Redmine+https svn link issue(revision history cannot been seen in repository) - Added by li an almost 10 years ago

I have finally found the problem is Redmine setting-Repository-fetch commits automatically needs to be selected before creating repository in each redmine project, then redmine will catch the changes of repository, and for https svn, it will take long time to catch if the repo. are large.
