


Config issues with "Issue Hot Buttons" plugin

Added by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

I've been fighting with this plugin for ages now, still having issues getting things to work and I honestly don't know what to try next. Before you point me to the plugin author, keep in mind the original plugin has not been updated in just over 2 years. I'm running my own fork in which I've made some minor interface adjustments and pulled a few updates and improvements from other repos, but nothing extensive.

One aspect of my issue can be seen in the following snippet:

On a fresh install of 2.5.2 with a clean database, the plugin configuration page labels load correctly. But when I restore and migrate my existing database (originally 2.4.1, currently 2.4.3), I get the labels showing up as above. All the same plugins on both accounts, and restoring a clean DB backup gets the plugin working again correctly.

The visual aspect is only half the problem though, it seems certain features of the plugin do not function when the labels are like this. I cannot add any comments using the plugin's update functionality; the form for a new comment opens and appears to work correctly, but the comment value is never saved. I get absolutely no errors in the log file, so I've got no indication of where to start looking for the root of the problem.

All this leads me to believe there must be something inside my DB structure that's causing a problem, but this plugin doesn't have any DB migration scripts and the only settings I can find are the button configurations in the Settings table, in an entry with the name plugin_issue_hot_buttons. I have tried clearing this row and reconfiguring the plugin, but that made no difference.

I cannot simply ditch a year's worth of tracking information and 30+ projects just to get this plugin working, so does anybody have an idea of what could be causing this? If need be, I can make a plan to remove private information and provide a copy of the DB, but I will not post it directly on the forum.